Horseback riding will help improve your physique and overall worldview

“Horses are great helpers in alleviating symptoms and treating many diseases. We call methods based on working with horses hyporehabilitation. At the same time, it includes an emphasis on the physical and psychological side,” explains physiotherapist Petra Zelmer.

The positive impact of hippotherapy lies mainly in the transfer of the movement of the horse's back to the rider's body, which, among other things, improves coordination of movements and balance, increases the symmetry of movements, and vice versa disrupts pathological stereotypes of movements. In addition, the horse's body temperature can be used to help relax the muscles.

Horses also improve the ability to focus and concentrate and stimulate all our senses.

“Horse riding is a method of developing social and psychomotor skills as well as concentration. It has a beneficial effect on hyperactive individuals and those suffering from speech, learning and behavioral disorders or mental illnesses such as neurosis, mania, depression or schizophrenia,” added Zoran Nerandžič, head of the rehabilitation department of the city hospital in Litoměřice.

Horses are natural authorities for their riders

Horses symbolize natural authority for their riders and can thus compensate for their absence in everyday life. The non-verbal communication that underlies the relationship with the horse will then make it possible to learn behavioral norms even for people who fail to learn social norms and relationships.

Regular therapy also increases self-confidence, learning to act according to rules and developing client communication, reducing aggression and anxiety. The positive impact on the psyche and social bonds is important for both sick and completely healthy people.

“A horse is a suitable partner even for those who do not suffer from any mental disorders or physical problems. Regular contact brings children and teenagers responsibility, discipline, teaches them to be attentive and sensitive to the surrounding environment. It is also important for them to engage in regular activities and meet like-minded friends, which again develops communication skills,” explains Nerandžič.

Some horses used for hippotherapy have a rich history behind them. It could also be a former racehorse who has a successful career behind him. This often happens thanks to horse lovers who are not indifferent to the fate of these animals. An example is the Pony Club dispatch book, which drew attention to this problem and has adopted a horse that lost its owner.

Julia Craig

"Certified bacon geek. Evil social media fanatic. Music practitioner. Communicator."

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