Schwarzenberg: Elizabeth is an example of how the strong should behave

Queen Elizabeth II has passed away, for many she is one of the certainties of this world. How will you remember it?

In 1996, it was expected. But he lived to a respectable age. He is a model of how duties are fulfilled and how the interests of the state take priority over personal interests. That’s why he is also highly respected, like few others. Last time King Edward VII had the same respect. at the beginning of the last century.

Have you met him?

Twice. It was quite funny the first time I was introduced to him. He was introduced to me at a cocktail party by his uncle, with whom I had previously stayed in a hotel in Vienna and spoke highly of him. Queen was interested and asked about our hotel. So I told him, “We owe you for that. If the British bombs hadn’t hit Schwarzenberg Palace in the raid on Vienna, the preservers would never have agreed to let me build a hotel there.” He looked at me and said, “You’re the only person I thanked for the bombing.” So I did. told him, that we didn’t mind, that we preferred to accept it because it was directed against the Nazis.

He gave everyone an example of how one should behave. He clearly showed in his life that the higher God raises a person, the more responsibility he should have and the more he should set an example.

I met him the second time when he came to Styria. After World War II, Carinthia and Styria were British zones. And we also met her husband Philip there.

I was previously in Germany wild boar hunting with him. It was in a mountain hut and a large company had gathered there. Since it was far from everywhere and there was no other entertainment, we put on what are called plays at night. The company is divided into two teams and several personalities or movie characters are selected, and here one group has to perform and the other has to guess.

As the youngest, I lead a group. And we were given the task of showing the famous film Never on Sunday, where Melina Mercouri played a light girl who falls in love with an American sea captain. And when I got Prince Philip on the team, I thought I’d take advantage of that because he’s also a sea captain. He played it great and it was a lot of fun. He has a great sense of humor.

This is a huge loss for Britain and the world. Isn’t it symbolic that he left in this terrible year when war broke out in Ukraine?

There is a bit of symbolism in it. This was of course a great loss to the world, because he set an example for everyone on how one should behave. He clearly showed in his life that the higher God raises a person, the more responsibility he should have and the more exemplary he should be.

And will Prince Charles, now Charles III, be the worthy successor after him?

He was raised for it. And when I got to know him when I met him a few times, I thought he would behave exemplary and responsibly. She will definitely be a little “greener” than Queen Elizabeth.

The face hidden behind a mask of royal dignity: Elizabeth as a first-class con artist


But I guess you can’t expect her to be as hot as she is?

We must not forget that she was lucky enough to ascend the throne as a 26-year-old beauty, and it is quite another to become king at seventy. Moreover, he always stood a little behind.

It probably helped Queen Elizabeth so much that she ascended to the throne after the war, where she herself served as chauffeur.

Certain. It’s hard to believe how long it’s been. Its first prime minister was Winston Churchill, and just last week appointed a new prime minister, Liz Truss.

Can he be compared to any of the crowned heads?

Probably not. He’s unique.

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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