The new DC movies will be less confusing, less connected

The goal of the new management of DC Studios is to make new films and series understandable for everyone.

Fewer people are watching comic book movies than ever before. This could be because the audience is fed up, the poor quality of certain titles, poorly managed marketing, or any number of other reasons which are not mutually exclusive and may go hand in hand. However, the fact that the individual films and series are related may not add to the interest of a wide audience.

The “layman” actually doesn’t even know what that has to do with, for which films he needs to know something first, and which he doesn’t. In the end, he can worry that with almost every piece of news there is a risk that he will miss something if he is not looking forward to the next film or series. And it seems more like chore than fun. For rock fans, a high degree of relatability is exciting entertainment, but it’s not for all audiences.

As the reboot of the DC film universe approaches, this element will be largely removed. When the new boss DC Studios James Gunn and Peter Safran presented their vision earlier in the year, mentioning that the film and series would be part of a larger story chapter called Gods and Monsters (Gods and monsters). However, we probably shouldn’t count on any kind of close relationship.

In an interview for Fair Pride Peter Safran he says that if the audience wants to go to the next, for example Superman: Inheritance or watch the upcoming series Creature Command, no need to know anything about what came before. The goal of the new boss is “Minimize confusion and maximize experience.” In short, the main thing is each story and whether they can provide the best possible audience experience on their own. If the wider world were to be built at the same time, then only in the second plan, without pushing saws. A good example is probably The Gunns Guardians of the Galaxy 2one that really focuses primarily on telling stories that stand alone and the wider world Wonder they don’t really pay attention.

We’ll see if this approach works, however, by the time we see how films have to be re-shot or re-edited due to the fabric of the world when there is a change in the broader plan, it’s at least reasonably practical. decision.

The photo is illustrative – The Flash

Resource: Fair Pride

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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