An unexpected winner in the Pilsen area, five and one hundred percent

In Chile, the head of the ANO movement won 17 percent, Nerudová 30 percent and retired general almost 40 percent. In practice, this meant nine votes for Pavel, as there were only 24 voters and all but one arrived at the ballot box.

In Kaničky in Domažlicko, turnout was 100 percent, none of the 28 voters were absent. “People are active here and they care who will be in the Palace,” said Mayor Jiří Rada (Association of Independent Candidates). Saturday’s result surprised him. Marek Hilšer and Petr Pavel shared first place here, receiving nine votes each, Andrej Babiš finished third with seven.

Divided community

They hope Danuša Nerudová in Prostiboř in the Tachovsk region. He received 26 out of 71 valid votes.“There are a lot of young people living here, maybe that’s why,” said mayor Barbora Nováková (Joint for Prostiboř).

“We repeatedly went off track. We are an island in this district and I’m happy for that.” The same thing happened in Mezihoří near Klatov. “The fact that he has no communist past may have made the decision for Danuš,” predicted Zdeňka Němečková, a member of the local election commission. The elections at Sire in Rokycansk have ended in a bang.

Fischer: We need to work with Babiš voters

Presidential election

Out of 128 possible votes, both Pavel and Babiš received 37 votes. Interestingly, the bronze battle also ended in a draw, with Nerudová and Hilšer splitting it. “We have long been divided between right and left here,” said mayor Hana Nováková (ODS, NK).

It is possible even without YES

“But apart from politics, it does not manifest itself, there are no contradictions. On Saturday, immediately after the election, we had a fire party here, as far as I know representatives from both camps were there and it was friendly,” she explains. In Biřkov in Klatovsk, where there is a purely female council, Babiš clearly won. The latter also dominates in Všepadly na Domažlick, which is the oldest council in the Czech Republic with an average of 71.5 years.

Overall, the Pilsen Region fared the same as other places. The regional metropolis voted for Pavel, in the last election Zeman Drahoš’s opponent was successful here. Smaller towns and villages mostly choose Babiš. Pavel won 41.45 percent in Pilsen, Babiš 30.95. Of the major districts, the general won most decisively in the Slavs, most crampedly in the housing of the Northern Suburbs.

Andrej Babiš managed to stay on the traditional right-wing Klatovy, where he won 38 percent, two points more than Pavel. Paradoxically, he did best in a district town where ANO didn’t run at all in the fall municipal elections — in Tachov, he scored 43 percent.

Pavel rejects the division of voters into big cities and rural areas

Presidential election

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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