Lava from Mauna Loa has started flowing down the mountainside during the night. The volcano is the largest active volcano in the world. The last time it erupted was in 1984. The activity is now occurring after the longest lull
The UN General Assembly isolated Russia this evening, and in a resolution called for peace in Ukraine, in light of the first anniversary of the start of the war tomorrow, Reuters reports. The General Assembly demanded that Russia withdraw its
A crocodile was found hungry and weak in a park in New York’s Prospect Park on Sunday, several media reported. The alligator is too sick to feed himself, and is now being tube-fed at the Bronx Zoo where he is
The “Tuja accident” happened four years ago. But the 69-year-old man is still battling pain. – I scratched myself, and it started bleeding. Tuja sap got into the open wound. That’s so bad. The wound was really yellow, and a
Chief of Defense Eirik Kristoffersen has been impressed by the desire for self-defence he is now seeing with his own eyes in Ukraine. He warned the Putin regime about what would happen if the war was not ended. Published: 10
– Hello, this is Kari Tisjø, the pyromaniac, said Kari Tisjø (50) on the phone. Dagbladet contacted Tisjø on Saturday afternoon. Hours earlier, emergency services had to respond to fires in two buildings in Merkebekk in Dragendal. Fires happen, but
DAMAGED: After three months on the premises, Barbro Sivertsen’s shop was evicted from the premises. Here she is with her husband and shop owner Max Tore Sivertsen. Photo: Svein Arne Nilsen / Bladet VestrÃ¥len Hokus Pokus Stores the Sivertsens have
Resigned: Head of Helseplattformen AS, Torbjørg Vanvik. Photo: Geir Otto Johansen / VG The head of the Healthcare platform Torbjørg Vanvik has resigned after the message scandal in St. Olavs. Employees were briefed by chairman Helge Garåsen at a general
The international community was shocked after the video of an unarmed Ukrainian soldier being executed spread around the world earlier this week. – This is a very clear war crime, Arne BÃ¥rd Dalhaug, retired lieutenant general and former OSCE observer
Hurtigruta Carglass was one of VÃ¥lerenga’s biggest partners for several years before they caved in in 2017. Now the world’s largest auto glass company is back where it belonged. – We are very happy and proud to be partners with