Blesk Tlapek Festival: 2nd year at Vypich in Prague

If last year festival goers could present a pac against a printing company, this year they can with signatures support the STOP OBJECTIVES petition MEP Jiří Pospíšil, who wants to enforce and enforce the ban on keeping dogs on chains and leashes in kennels. He performs all day Bořek Slezáček and bullsport expert Daniel Žďárský.

Festival goers also meet celebrities from the ranks of cynologists as well as their star canine partners, some of whom have also shone on the silver screen. For example, Miroslav Skružný shows an example of a sporting sinology with the German shepherd Chros from the Podbrd region.

Hana Maršálová shows how to dance with a dog with Scott’s border collie, and what is meant by a sinology of hunting, Rudolf Slaba explains with his pack of hunting dogs. Rescue and army dogs were also introduced. A number of competitions have also been prepared that visitors and their four-legged friends can participate in.

Editor-in-chief of Blesku: A dignified life for dogs and cats

“The Czech Republic is unique in that 2 million dogs and 1.5 million cats live here,” said Radek Lain, editor-in-chief of the Blesk newspaper, on stage on Saturday.

“Those were positive emotions, but then we started exploring the environment and found it there it is not only positive, but has an opposite face – and it is a tyrant and an unprofessional breeder. We think this is an interesting topic for us, which we want to show and do something about. Goals are two basic. The first is improving the legal environment around dogs and bullies. We want to show the people who are responsible for this, it is best to bring them to justice. The second goal is to give dogs and cats, if not fairy tales, then at least a life with dignity,” he said at Vypich in Prague. “We must consider every case that we bring to court and which we designate as successful,” he added.

“I’ve been a dog walker for a long time, so this is my dream job,” smiling editor Jana Ulrichová, who, along with Kateřina Lang, is the main face of Blesk tlapek. “It’s a never-ending struggleI couldn’t have imagined that there would be so many cases like that,” he said, adding that maybe people now have a little better awareness than before.

“We are trying to make people aware that owning a dog is actually not a simple matter, it has to be bought well, it has to be cared for properly. and not everyone is like that,” adds Kateřina Lang.

Heidi Janků with Eda: She also went to concerts with him

Singer Heidi Janků also appeared on stage with her dog Eda. “This is the third dog, when I was a kid, my parents bought me a ‘subverter’ like that, it was a fox terrier and such. His name is Tobias and he even broke my arm once. He was so impolite. And I said to myself when I grow up, I’ll get a dog and he’ll be well behaved. Eda is already the second impolite, or the third,” Heidi Janků smiles. “And I went to the gym with her for two years, I really don’t take her for granted,” she explains.

“When I got him I literally prayed he would be a dog that wouldn’t get sick in the car, that would go everywhere with me, because I bought it as a companion. He really likes driving cars“, added the singer. Eda attended the concert with him. And the driver’s friend turned into a dog handler while Heidi Janků sang.

Any man who will appear in her life “He doesn’t have to be a dog, but he has to respect Eda, because Eda is a part of my life,” added Heidi Janků.

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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