Jon Herwig Carlsen died:-

The former sports commentator is 84 years old. – He died Sunday night after a long illness. He sleeps peacefully with those closest to him, says his son Jon Christian Herwig Carlsen NRK. Former biathlete Liv Grete Skjelbreid told Dagbladet

– Bubbles with joy – VG

WANT TO JUMP HERE: Maren Lundby has been fighting for years for equality in the sport of jumping. Here she is on the plains in Vikersund, where jumpers can compete – but not women. Photo: Geir Olsen / NTB Maren

Antoine Dupont is handled by a politician

Shocking World Fifteen The best 14 top scorers for the 2021-2022 season At Le Parisien, about fifty sportsmen including Antoine Dupont and other names in French rugby have signed a platform where they call for electing Emmanuel Macron to block