Czechs don’t limit their spending on travel, but they go to restaurants less

According to a Kruk survey, more than two-fifths of Czech households spend between 10 and 30 percent of their income on entertainment, restaurant visits and hobbies.

Most often, people spend time on trips and weekend trips, which is mentioned by 28 percent of respondents. In year-to-year comparisons, this is roughly the same number of people.

Visits to restaurants or hanging out with friends are rarer, although they rank second on the list of vacation expenses. While last year a fifth of people mentioned it, this year 16 percent.

Nearly two thirds of Czechs save money on food


Just like last year, gardening was ranked among spending on hobbies, mentioned by about one in eight respondents. However, people spend less than last year on sporting activities, such as visits to gyms, swimming pools, etc. (eight percent compared to 12 percent last year), and cultural events (seven percent versus five percent).

However, the share of households spending nothing at all on entertainment and hobbies has more than doubled (from 12 percent to 24 percent today).

Even people with maturing obligations often spend 31 to 50 percent of their monthly budget on entertainment. And the same is true for households whose financial income is only sufficient for the most basic needs.

Jaroslava Palendová, Kruk

“It turns out that the Czechs are well aware of rising prices for energy and consumer goods, and therefore save more on entertainment and other activities that are not absolutely necessary,” adds Jaroslava Palendová of the company Kruk.

Men spend mostly on hobbies

Spending on entertainment and hobbies is closer to men than women, at the same time only a fifth of them (compared to 28 percent of women) do not invest in their hobbies at all.

Sitting in restaurants primarily attracts young people aged 18 to 24, who also spend more of their monthly budget on entertainment than people of other age groups.

People spend the least on lunch in Olomouc, and the most in Prague


People between the ages of 35 and 64 spend the most money on travel, and families with children – regardless of their number – spend the most money on travel. College students, who also travel the most, invest more and more of their budgets in entertainment.

“Czechs generally do not borrow money for vacations, entertainment or various recreational activities, so their household income is reduced, spending on entertainment and hobbies is also reduced. But at the same time, we also found that even people with obligations that have fallen tempo also often spends 31 to 50 percent of their monthly budget on entertainment. And the same is true for households whose financial income is only sufficient for the most basic needs,” adds Palendová.

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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