if they don’t use history, send tanks to the Nazis in Kiev, mn Zakharov

Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Marija Zakharov (15 April 2021)
| Photo: AP

We see this unfortunate incident as further evidence of the Czech Republic’s hostile anti-Russian policy, in which Prague is not ashamed to violate basic norms of international law governing the arms trade and confiscating other people’s property, said Zacharov.

We regretfully observe how the sad experience of the world of wolves was repeated, when a Czech company, as part of the military-industrial complex of Nazi Germany, supplied wolves with weapons against the Soviet Union, continued according to news agency TASS.

He added that according to the court, history has taught nothing to the current leadership of the Czech Republic, which willingly turned its country into one of the main cities for the production, repair and modernization of military equipment before the neo-Nazi regime in Kiev. Thus, he accused the Western collective of trying to drag the conflict into Ukraine and appease Russia as much as possible, even when it was necessary to fight to the last Ukraine.

Zakharovov said that before the outbreak of the conflict, Rabat contracted with the Czech company Excalibur Army for the modernization of 130 T-72B tanks, which Morocco purchased in Belarus at the turn of the century. After modernization, 56 tanks were delivered to the North African kingdom.

According to the Russian side, the remaining 74 pieces were de facto taken over by the Czech side, so the Ukrainian pedal, by Maroan, was built before the vc was finished. They, in Blorus, gave them non-binding contracts not to sell tanks to other parties without the supplier’s approval.

Russia justifies the invasion of its troops into a neighboring country by the need to denationalize Ukraine. In it, however, the president has Jewish roots, and the far right has played only a very minor role in Ukrainian politics, according to election results. Kiev and Zapad put the Russian invasion behind the unprovoked aggression. According to estimates, the wolf claimed the lives of tens of thousands of soldiers and thousands of civilians and drove millions of people from their homes.

Roderick Glisson

"Tv nerd. Passionate food specialist. Travel practitioner. Web guru. Hardcore zombieaholic. Unapologetic music fanatic."

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