Shock figure: Over 20,000 dead

More than 20,000 people have died from heatwaves in Europe this summer. This is shown by the new figures published on Thursday, the news agency wrote Reuters.

Some climate scientists have looked at the discrepancy between the number of deaths that occurred, and the number of deaths expected based on historical trends.

The analysis reveals that the excess deaths are caused by climate change – namely global warming.

Over 40 degree heat

Temperatures exceeded 40 degrees in parts of Europe this summer. In parts of France the mercury is showing over 42 degrees, while the thermometer doesn’t stop until it goes over 44 degrees in parts of Spain.

This would have been practically impossible were it not for the climate crisis, some researchers claim Security.

This analysis did not involve heat-related deaths specifically. However, the researchers concluded that the death toll was due to climate change. This is because more people die during heatwave periods than in periods when it’s not as hot.

– One of the biggest threats

Data from the French Ministry of Health, Santé Publique France, shows that 10,420 more deaths were reported during the summer months this year.

One in four of these occurs during one of the three intense heatwaves to hit the country. 20 percent of deaths occur in areas with extreme heat.

FLOOD: 37 people died and several hundred people have not been found. Videos: AP/Twitter. Reporter: Håvard TL Knutsen.
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– Heat waves are one of the biggest threats from climate change. Thousands of deaths worldwide each year, many of which go unreported, are caused by high temperatures, says climatologist Friederike Otto.

– Despite this abundance of evidence, there is still little public awareness about the danger extreme temperatures pose to human health, said Otto.

Lance Heptinstall

"Hardcore zombie fan. Incurable internet advocate. Subtly charming problem solver. Freelance twitter ninja."

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