The building was supposed to be built at Ground Zero last year, and the construction is a mess

In Manhattan, there are still fenced streets, which were recently criticized by mayor Michael Bloomberg. The project’s developer, Larry Silverstein, even spoke of national embarrassment regarding the appalling condition of the buildings.

Five new skyscrapers, monuments, theatres, museums and public transportation stations were supposed to be built on what was called Ground Zero. Construction was complicated by a lack of funds and Silverstein’s dispute with the landowners, namely the New York and New Jersey State Department of Construction.

Current job status at Ground Zero in New York.

“It’s hard to imagine the amount of time that was wasted here. It’s also hard to imagine what could have happened here instead of what is here now,” Silverstein, 78, who has a 99-year lease, told CBS.

Silverstein did not want the monument built

The competition to renew the city after the first double was originally won in 2003 by American architect Daniel Libeskind. The dominant feature of the project is the so-called V svobody, which is supposed to be on the north side.

At Ground Zero, mWE

Construction of new skyscrapers, museums and memorials continues on the site of the World Trade Center.

Silverstein, however, had problems with several sections of the project, more than half a kilometer high, and insisted that a new architect repair them. In the end, he succeeded, but the building that now bears the name One World Trade Center and its neighbors are still gone.

A visualization of what Ground Zero in Manhattan, New York will look like in the future.

A visualization of what Ground Zero in Manhattan, New York will look like in the future.

According to CBS News, the construction was due to several circumstances. Silverstein, for example, as an entrepreneur, did not want commercially unreasonable construction of a monument. At first, the building wanted more private money for the project, Silverstein suggested.

We have to move it, says Bloomberg

“It’s time to end all this stupidity. We have to move on,” Mayor Bloomberg said on his regular radio show. According to him, the construction should be completed within ten years. “They can’t leave the place where the tragedy happened and slow down the construction of another Manhattan,” he said in the construction department’s address.

A visualization of what Ground Zero in New York will look like in the future.A visualization of what Ground Zero in Manhattan, New York will look like in the future.

Manhattan in the future

In this way, the executive editor coaches the project. The last one is Chris Ward. He sets new patterns for individual buildings and thus adapts individual deployments. According to him, One World Trade Center should be completed by the end of 2013.


He hasn't calledIn the World Trade Center building after the collision of two hijacked planes piloted by terrorists in 2001 2,752 people died. Politicians promised a speedy recovery of the city soon after the coordinated attack, which, apart from New York, also destroyed the Pentagon in the capital, Washington. area se but because of uncertainty about reconstruction to this day he has not fully recovered from the current. (Check out these never-before-seen photos from 11/2001)

A map of what Ground Zero will look like in the future

A map of what Ground Zero will look like in the future

Roderick Glisson

"Tv nerd. Passionate food specialist. Travel practitioner. Web guru. Hardcore zombieaholic. Unapologetic music fanatic."

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