The fireworks festival at the bird sanctuary in Hlučínsk evokes emotion

As Zdeněk Vermouzek, the director of the Czech Ornithological Society told Novinká, it is irresponsible to organize such an event in the vicinity of important bird sites, which are even home to protected bird species.

“I see it in a negative light and I think it’s important to highlight the consequences that this kind of entertainment has. The location of the Kozmicky pědíchnych luk is bounded on three sides by power lines, and on the fourth side there is also a railway line in the vicinity. So on all sides the birds have obstacles to hit. Fireworks are held after dark, so birds that are scared not only lose their way, but also get dazzled and of course die,” he said.

Some are still nesting

In addition, he said, several species of birds were still nesting at the end of August, so there was a risk that the chicks would jump out of the nest and never be found by their parents. In addition, hundreds of other animals, not only birds, live in the Kozmicky bird meadow.

Fireworks to remind the public that excessive noise from fireworks is harmful to animals

As stated by the mayor of Hlučín, Pavel Paschek (Resident of Hlučín), this event in early September was organized by the company Tarra Pyrotechnik at its own expense, and the municipality simply included it in the feeder program.

The mayor’s approval of the event defends the interests of citizens. “This event attracts people’s interest. In the years when the lake was being rehabilitated and it was not possible to hold the festival, many people came to town asking if and when there would be another year,” he said, adding that the organizers promised to use newer technology at the festival. with significant reduction in sound fireworks effect. According to the Mayor, the fireworks display will only last for 12 minutes each day.

“I see the combination of the city event and the Tarra Pyrotechnik corporate event as the right thing, especially given the intertwining of the two events in one weekend. It would not be ideal to have events that demand sound, traffic, production and personnel every weekend on the lake,” added the Mayor.

“A Stupidity That No One Needs”

Ornithologist Varmouzek believes responsible politicians should not defend fireworks by saying that society wants them. “I’m sure if someone explained to people what the cause of such momentary amusement was, most people of any sense would realize that fireworks are nonsense that no one needs to live for. But someone had to explain it to them, and it would be better if someone had the authority from his position. Of course, there will always be those who criticize such an attitude, but such criticism should be the responsibility of politicians,” the ornithologist added.

There were hundreds of dead birds in the streets of Rome after the New Year’s Eve fireworks display

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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