– Came too late to save lives – VG

Major avalanche hazard: Landslide occurred in Beretlia by Lyngseidet. Photo: HELGE MIKALSEN / VG LYNGEN / OSLO (VG) At the same time that the Easter holidays begin, there is a grave danger of avalanches in several parts of the country.

Kyiv is preparing its application to join the European Union, Zelensky said; at least 52 killed after attack on Kramatorsk . station

https://assets-decodeurs.lemonde.fr/redacweb/ukraine-cartes-infographie/derniere-maj-ukraine-avancee-russe.png https://assets-decodeurs.lemonde.fr/redacweb/ukraine-cartes-infographie/derniere-maj-ukraine-avancee-russe.png 30 Situation on the map Enlarge Contents Videos, some of which have been authenticated, show ukrainian military executed Russian prisoners of war. Ukraine’s presidency promised that those responsible would be brought to justice, but some officials were more

When giant skeleton hands hug the house

Alan, 37, lives with his family in Olmsted Falls and is a fairly well-known person in the neighborhood. Every year, his friends and neighbors look forward to what they will prepare for them as a surprise for Halloween. Alan is

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