TN Live is celebrating its second anniversary. He was preparing big news

Webcast TN Live celebrates its second anniversary on Tuesday, May 2. Every day, he informs his viewers not only about what is happening in the Czech Republic, but also in the world. For two years now, TN Live has been bringing you first-hand input, amazing broadcasts, expert interviews on hot topics and exciting programs. With his birthday, TN Live also introduces some new things.

Needing to keep up with the times, so two and a half years ago, the idea was born for Nova TV’s Internet broadcasting. “We want to offer viewers far more news content than is available here. Now we can broadcast press conferences, commentary on live streams, live broadcasts from abroad and all this under one roof. We call it TN Live as Television News Live,” outlined by Nova TV news editor Michal Kratochvíl.

TN Live combines internet speed and television technology, allowing it to carry signals from all over the world. “We have the possibility to have TV broadcast quality here and offer it to viewers in the rapidly growing Internet environment. We can provide information to them immediately, it takes seconds to feed the graphs to the studio, unlike big news studios,” he mentioned.

People can watch TN live on the website, the Voyo platform or under the red button on HbbTV. At the same time, besides the main channel, other channels are also available, which broadcast several transmissions of various interesting programs at home and in the world. Over the last year, TN Live has covered all the major topics impacting the event.

According to Kratochvíl, the most important event covered by TN Live last year was the death of England’s Queen Elizabeth II. “The full 14 days of broadcast is an exemplary example of how we can use the studio, how we can bring viewers up to date when something is going on. Also thanks to TN Live, TV Nova became the first television station in the Czech Republic to announce that the queen had died,” he recalled moments later.

The TV news started at 7:30pm and two minutes later the British national anthem was playing in the studio. “Then we broadcast the noviny Televzní special, extended by 20 minutes, and it’s just about Queen Elizabeth II. In the TN Live studio, there is a moderator, Martin Čermák, who can display on the screen the tweets of world leaders reacting to the event. This broadcast shows how great it is the TN Live project and how it can bring information to viewers like no other studio in the Czech Republic,” he explained.

In commemoration of the second anniversary of TN Live, several new features are being prepared, one of which is new graphics. But that’s not all. The most important thing has to come in summer, says Kratochvíl.

The host also reminisces about the start of the broadcast and the strongest moment. “The most important thing for me was the death of the queen of England. At the same time, I still remember the beginning of the war in Ukraine, Lukáš Richtár and I sat in the studio for maybe 16 straight hours and we had guests. It was very tense, demanding, but you on at the same time, he realized how much he enjoyed it,” said moderator Martin Čermák.

“It’s a bit tense, but I feel honored to be there. Every day, the history of the Czech Republic is being written, and we are there and we can bring it to the audience, I appreciate it,” added moderator Veronika Petruchová . “This year’s presidential election is the biggest challenge for me,” concluded Lukáš Richtár.

Watch the first broadcast of TN Live on May 2, 2021:

TN. cz

Camilla Salazar

"Unapologetic social media guru. General reader. Incurable pop culture specialist."

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